If you have configured your power plan to have different brightness settings when on mains and battery power, you may end up in the position where your screen’s brightness changes, potentially dramatically, which can be quite annoying. In itself, switching from mains to battery power isn’t bad for the laptop, in fact, it’s an ideal situation to have a laptop with a battery, rather than a purely mains-powered desktop computer.
Additionally, if you happen to live or be visiting a place with a power supply that isn’t particularly stable, you may see your laptop switch from mains to battery power occasionally, or even quite regularly.
For example, if the computer is plugged in, but the power cable is not seated properly, then the computer may not receive power consistently enough for it to consider itself on mains power. Unfortunately, in some cases, the two can be harder for the computer to tell apart. In most cases the distinction between these two is clear. These battery plans can have different values set for use on battery power as well as on mains power. In Windows 10 the screen brightness can be set through the battery plans.